West Virginia State Seal
West Virginia
Office of Miners' Health Safety &Training

Production Reporting - User Entry Record
Inactive hide details for HelpHelp

Use this form to enter your contact information, the password you will be using to login to the site, and the company or companies for which you wish to submit production reports. You must enter values for the fields designated by an "*" in the middle column. If you fail to enter required information an alert box will popup to let you know that the information is required. When you have entered all the information and selected your company name(s), Click on the "Submit Request" button to save the information and have the request processed.
Your request will be reviewed and you should receive an e-mail in a few days that will tell you the results and give you further instructions.
If you change your mind and decide not to submit a request, simply click on the "CANCEL Submission" button.

Click on the twistie above or the "Exit Help" button below to close this help window.

Inactive hide details for How to Navigate this FormHow to Navigate this Form

This is a web Form. There are places in the Form in which you will enter information. When the Form is first opened your cursor will be positioned at the place at the top of the Form which requests your Firstname. If you press the "Tab" key you will be taken to the next place in the sequence which is vertically below your current location. If you do not wish to follow this sequence, you may use your mouse to move directly to a place in which to enter or edit information.
Once you have entered information into a place, you may use the arrow keys to move around within the information that you have entered. You will still use the "Tab" key or the Mouse to move among places.

Click on the twistie above or the "Exit Help" button below to close this help window.

[indicates required entry
First Name:
Middle Initial:
Last Name:
*used as a report default
*used as a report default
Company Name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Select from list:
Or enter value:
Zip/Postal Code:

Email Address:
*used as a report default
Phone number:
*used as a report default
Select Companies:

Companies Selected:

Highlight a company by clicking on the Company name in the box below. Once highlighted, click on the "Add Company .." button below to develop your list. Repeat as often as needed to select multiple companies. If your company is listed more then once, select every instance. The ID number shown with the Company name is NOT a permit #. It is a # assigned to facilitate database operations. Click on "Remove All" button to erase everything and start again.

Company List

(accept or enter your own)
(minimum of 6 characters)
Confirm Password:

Last Modified:02/27/2025 08:51 PM
Created:02/27/2025 08:51 PM